I recently switched to a Mac and really miss my auto color cells VBA script for Excel. After quite a bit of digging (and trial-and-error) I managed to recreate the functionality using AppleScript. It is pretty slow, but it works!
Just like the VBA version, this automatically color codes cells to help
identify inputs, formulas, etc. For example, cells that contain only numbers
are colored blue, all formulas black, references to other workbooks are green
and cells that include the =OFFSET()
function (what I use for setting up
different scenarios) are rust.
Open up the AppleScript Editor, paste the following code and save it as
/Users/<your-username>/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Excel Script Menu
. The \scc
in the filename creates a
keyboard shortcut control-shift-c
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
set colStart to (get first column index of selection)
set rowStart to (get first row index of selection)
set colCount to (get count columns of selection)
set rowCount to (get count rows of selection)
set status bar to "Auto coloring the cells"
set screen updating to false
repeat with i from rowStart to rowStart + rowCount - 1
set status bar to "Row " & i - rowStart + 1 & " of " & rowCount
repeat with j from colStart to colStart + colCount - 1
--set theCell to cell j of row i
--set f2 to (get formula of theCell)
set f to (get formula of cell j of row i)
if f starts with "=" then
if f contains ".xls" then
set font color index of font object of cell j of row i to 10 -- rust
else if f contains "OFFSET" then
set font color index of font object of cell j of row i to 9 -- green
else if my isallnumbers(f) then
set font color index of font object of cell j of row i to 5 -- blue
set font color index of font object of cell j of row i to 1 -- auto
end if
if my isallnumbers(f) then
set font color index of font object of cell j of row i to 5 -- blue
set font color index of font object of cell j of row i to 0 -- auto
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
set screen updating to true
set status bar to "Auto Color Done"
end tell
to isallnumbers(f)
set l to length of f
--log_event("f is " & f) of my commonScript
repeat with k from 1 to l
set c to ASCII number of character k of f
if c < 40 or c > 61 then
return false
end if
end repeat
return true
end isallnumbers
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