In followup to the not about how to create a local cpan repository, I figured out how to get cpanplus to use this respository. Not nearly as simple as with cpan, but once it is setup, it is a breeze. The following script does all the work.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $local = {
path => '/home/mgrimes/CPAN',
scheme => 'file',
host => '',
use vars '$VERSION';
use CPANPLUS::Shell qw[Default];
use CPANPLUS::Backend;
# my $cb = new CPANPLUS::Backend;
my $shell = CPANPLUS::Shell->new;
my $conf = $shell->backend->configure_object;
my $hosts = [ $local ];
$conf->set_conf('hosts' => $hosts);
### if we're given a command, run it; otherwise, open a shell.
if (@ARGV) {
### take the command line arguments as a command
my $input = "@ARGV";
### if they said "--help", fix it up to work.
$input = 'h' if $input =~ /^\s*--?h(?:elp)?\s*$/i;
### strip the leading dash
$input =~ s/^\s*-//;
### pass the command line to the shell
$shell->dispatch_on_input(input => $input, noninteractive => 1);
} else {
### open a shell for the user
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