Web testing June 10, 2009

I have been stuck doing a lot of front-end web work lately and haven’t had a chance to do much perl coding (I am planning on releasing an Mason based renderer for Email::MIME::Kit soon though). I’m very impressed with the power of CSS in modern browsers. The last time I looked at it, browser incompatibilities really made it difficult to use. It is much better still, I find most of the work to be trial and error, so I have a couple of tips that have saved me some time going back and forth…

Quick Browser Refresh

I do all of my coding in vim and have ton of mappings (maybe I’ll share some in future). One I really like right now it ,u which saves the current file then runs my xrefresh perl script which finds my Firefox window and refreshes the current page. It is a simple script that is based on X11::GUITest. It works particularly well when I am using two monitors and can have the browser on in one of them. Here is the mapping, along with the ,U mapping which saves all files:

nmap <silent> ,u :w<cr>:! xrefresh 'Gran Paradiso'<cr>
nmap <silent> ,U :wa<cr>:! xrefresh 'Gran Paradiso'<cr>


Get Lazy, Use Data::Pageset::Render June 04, 2009

I have been using the very nice Data::Pageset module for a while now. It makes separating you data into multiple pages very simple, and for very large datasets it has the slide mode which helps keep your pager small (rather than have links to 100 pages, you get links to the first and last page and the five pages around your current page).

Eventually, I got tired of recreating the same html code for each new pager. I first put together a simple Mason component, but found myself copying it between projects and starting to write one for TT. Eventually, I wrote Data::Pageset::Render. The module (which is on CPAN) subclasses Data::Pageset and adds the html method, which returns the html code, complete with links, to create your pager.

Just create your pager object as you would with Data::Pageset adding link_format => '<a href="#">%a</a>' to the constructor, the html method then eliminates all that redundant paging html.


Easy Access to Your Minicpan Repository May 26, 2009

I am a big fan of CPANPLUS and minicpan. I like the plugin structure and power of CPANPLUS. ([Warning: shameless plug follows] I have written a simple plugin that allows you to see/install the prereqs for an module with commands like cpanp /prereqs show or cpanp /prereqs install.) And minicpan is great for getting work done on an airplane or when I am away from the net.

One thing I have struggle with in the past is getting cpanp to use either my local minicpan mirror or another mirror other than my default. Editing the config file is not that hard, but it is far to permanent for what I am trying to do. So I wrote two simple scripts (basically tweaked versions of /usr/bin/cpanp) that change the mirror to my local minicpan or a mirror passed on the command line: cpanp-local and cpanp-mirror. Both could be significantly improved, documented and they should probably be combined, but they get the job done.

Recovering After Vim Terminates May 19, 2009

When vim is shutdowns abnormally it leaves a bunch of .swp files around.1 Given the way I program (very iterative and test focused) those backups are rarely more current than the saved file. A great time saver to help with recovery is the vim DiffOrig command. After learning about it on StackOverflow, I put together the following bash script to find any swap files under the current directory, open each in vim, run DiffOrig and prompt to delete after you close vim.


Facial Detection and Recongition in Perl May 05, 2009

I just recently came across the new facial detection features in Picasa, and I have to say I am very impressed. This is a very useful feature and well implemented; once again Google has set the bar. Unfortunately, it is only available in the web version, and I have way too many photos to upload. Further, there seem to be more privacy concerns with a web version of a tool like this.

So, I was very excited when I saw a brief mention of presentation about OpenCV from a Ruhr.pm meeting (thanks to Yanick’s blog). Maybe this was the tool to implement facial detection/recognition in my photos locally.


C-Like Pointers In Perl...Oh No! April 28, 2009

Tuesday night David Lowe gave a very interesting talk at SF.pm on pack/unpack and some of the awful things you can do with them.1 We ended the meeting talking about whether you could use the pack format “P” (which packs and unpacks “a pointer to a structure (fixed-length string)”) to force poor Perl to do C-like pointer arithmetic.

David is using unpack to do a binary search of fixed width blobs of data in order to avoid unserializing it. His current (minor) bottleneck is creating the pack format string dynamically for each step in the binary search (ie, 'x' . ($record_size * $record + 1)). The math is fast, the string concatenation is relatively slow. I wondered if you could use the “P” format to avoid creating the format string on each pass and stick with simple integer arithmetic.

After a bit of hacking, it turns out this can be done. Instead of David’s very complicated:


Export All Contacts as vCards January 24, 2009

Outlook has the built in ability to export contacts as vCards, but it will only do it one at a time. With the following vba script and a few bash commands, you can batch export each contact as a vCard and then combine the individual files into one vcard file.


Outlook Folder List (Updated) September 22, 2008

Again, I needed to find the path to particular folder. This one was deep and not under my Inbox. So, updated the folder list function. It is now recursive and (very simply) shows the structure.

' Copyright under GPL by Mark Grimes
' list folders by poping up msg box windows
Sub ListFolders()
    Dim objNS As NameSpace
    Dim objFolder

    Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    ListFromFolder objNS, ""
    Set objNS = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ListFromFolder(objFolderRoot, spaces As String)
    Dim objFolder As MAPIFolder

    For Each objFolder In objFolderRoot.Folders
        Debug.Print spaces + objFolder.Name
        If objFolder.Folders.count &gt; 0 Then
            ListFromFolder objFolder, spaces + " "
        End If
End Sub

Process All Outlook Events September 22, 2008

I recently needed to walk through all the events in an Outlook calendar and make a change. Here is the simple code:

' Copyright under GPL by Mark Grimes
' list folders by poping up msg box windows
Sub ResaveCalendarEntries()

    Dim objNS As NameSpace
    Dim objFolders, objFolder, objCalFolder
    Dim objCalEntry As AppointmentItem

    Dim count
    count = 0

    Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set objCalFolder = objNS.Folders.item("Mailbox - MyMailBox").Folders.item("Calendar")
    ' This also works...
    ' Set objCalFolder = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)

    For Each objCalEntry In objCalFolder.Items
        count = count + 1
        Debug.Print count
        Debug.Print objCalEntry.Subject

        objCalEntry.Mileage = 1
        ' Exit Sub
    Set objNS = Nothing

End Sub

Using Par::Packer (pp) with WxWidgets on Windows June 28, 2007

After spending a considerable amount of time trying to package a Gtk2 app with pp, I decided to try a different gui toolkit, and was successful packaging a Wx app.

Again, most of this kludge is based on bug reports from Marc Lehmann regarding Gtk. Thanks Marc!



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